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Suggest a Local Business - Get a $10 Gift Certificate!

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This is Your Chance to Suggest Your Favorite Business for this Site!

All you have to do is fill out and submit the form below. All fields are required (except business name if not applicable). We reserve the right to disqualify any entry due to missing information. We will not sell, rent or otherwise share any of your information with anyone. We only request this informaton for tracking and notification reasons.

Business must be located within 25 mi. of Danville, IL. Indiana businesses OK as long as they are within the radius required. Should your suggestion purchase any paid listing in this site we will provide you with a $10.00 Gift Certificate to that business, we will contact you using the information you have provided.

Gift Certificate will be e-mailed to you using the e-mail address you submit with the form. You must then print it out and physically submit it at the location of the restaurant designated. Certificate may be used only once and will be retained by business when you submit it. The business(es) participating in this program agree to give you a $10 credit on any purchase made using the certificate. You are liable for any sales tax or amount over $10 attributable to your purchase using the certificate. See rules below for all requirements, restrictions, etc.

First Name*:
Last Name*:
Business Name (if applicable):

I wish to suggest the business(es) below be included in this site*:
Must be within 25 mi. of Danville, IL to be included in this site. Please include business city.

Rules & Regulations:

We hope to make this as simple as possible. But, there must be rules and here they are:

  • This is a first come first served contest
  • If you see a listing in the category of your choice that has a logo in it, that business has already purchased a listing and is not available for the gift certificate.
  • If you see a listing on the site but it is only a bare bones one with no logo, pictures or other details,(address & phone number included in all litsings paid or not) it is a free one and that business is available for suggetion and the gift certificate.
  • The first person to suggest a business is the only one qualified to receive the gift certificate
  • We will list the businesses already suggested on this page. If you see your suggestion listed here it is no longer available for the gift certificate.
  • By suggesting a business you give ATD Marketing permission to mention your name when contacting the business about a paid listing.
  • You also give ATD Marketing permission to list your name (ie: Bob A.) as a winner of a gift certificate. We will protect your identity but want to encourage others to make suggestions.
  • You may create a category if one is not already established, so feel free to suggest businesses in a category you don't see listed on the home page of this site.
  • Bounderies of contest: Veedersburg, IN on East., St. Joseph, IL on west, Rossville, IL on north and Ridge Farm, IL on south

Current Paid Businesses & Category

Overpass Pizza - Pizza Restaurants
Robinson's Auto Body- Body Shops
Rt 1 Auto, LLC - Auto Repair
All Source Service & Repair - Auto Parts & Accessories
Dr. Phillip Conn, DDS - Dentists
Danville's Flooring Warehouse - Flooring Companies
Ruth Pancoast - Classic Homes Realty - Real Estate
Exit 210 Saloon - Bars/Saloon/Taverns
Cabinet City Granite & Marble - Cabinet Shops
ATD Marketing - Printing & Marketing Companies
Kool 92.9/Country 101.3- Radio Stations
Heartland Ford - Auto Dealers
More Good Hair Days - Beauty Shop
Legacy Land Comapny - Real Estate
Guttering & More - Gutters
California Tan/Apparell Unlimited/Redwing Shoes - Tanning/Screen Printing/Work Boots
Newton's Cleaning & Restoration - Carpet Cleaning/Fire & Water Damage

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